522 15 years ago
everyone was asleep and i was wide awake when i started.

2 hours and 9 minutes and 30 seconds later...

and don't believe the "Genre" tag - it's just one of those "mixing for the fun of it" mixes.


nukem empire basement
nukem empire basement

ok, I am surprised of the beginning, (live coment). real funky startup. ok, a bit acid mixed with trance, goes forward with real deephouse. ok, pause at 1:45. waiting. ok deephouse, realy funky, smooth. 2:35 deephouse. waiting. mixture of acid and deephouse, a bit trance inflavored, nice. 3:34 we go on, waiting. trance. we go on. 4:04 yah, accciicicid nice, good mixed. 4:49 waiting. 5:06 trance again, sounds good. 5.30. deephouse goes on. nice. yo, good mixed. break. pause. (I roll a cigarette) ya 7:30 stupid eurohouse, hmmmm ... waiting. 9:42 it remindes of 89. 10:50 waiting. ... what comes? surprise, surprise? 12:26,ok interesting. waiting. 13:15 nothing happens. (smoke cigarette) boring hardhouse? 14:20 ok, somthing comes. ya, release. very good mixed. waiting 4 power. ya realy early 90s style. wow,all da funk. ya there is da power, but I don`t like diz track. 16:57 no no. bullshit hiphouse. (vocal is niz, [female]) ok it`s right. 19:02. waiting. change. only a bit,vocal is cool. 19:50. real change. sounds a bit like a fucking radioedit. ok 20:50. mickymouse (europophouseblabla...) waiting. 23:40 change. (smoke cigarette) waiting. 2 different in opposition to da mickymouse. ok, interest. waiting(25:40) ok, we go back to da mickymouse or whaaat? yes we do.(26:50) ai ai ai. waiting. ula lala tralala tupi tupi hups hippi hippi micki mousi. (28:40) waiting. (what is in da sky, what is in my eyes????) 29:53 bum bum bum. 30:30 no no. (were did u get diz fucking records?) 31:48 bum bum bum ai ai ai. 35:23 hard but ok. (but da vocalz, ai ai ai, shake ... bla... dance... bla..) 36:54 hmmmm, waiting. no no, I log out. why u post a mix in orig-production????????????????
